Money: 1 Euro is about 255 Hungarian Forints (HUF).

Public transportation:

 Tickets must be purchased in advance and should be validated at the beginning of the journey. 1 ticket is valid for one ride. 1 single ticket is 270 HUF, a booklet of 10 tickets is 2350 HUF,  1 transfer ticket (good for going from the Keleti Railway station to the Hotel) is 420 HUF,  3 day tourist ticket 3400 HUF, 1 day ticket 1550 HUF.
How to get to different places:

See the map. Here is the map in higher resolution.

Due to the construction of a new Metro line at some places, these include Keleti railway station and Kálvin tér, it might be a bit more difficult to find your way. Szabadság bridge is open only for pedestrians, the routing of several public transportation lines is altered.

1. To the Hotel: (See also the website of the hotel.)

1a. From the airport take the Airport Minibus and give the driver the name of the hotel.
Price: one way 2490 HUF, roundtrip 4390 HUF.

1b. From the Keleti Railway station to the Hotel: Take the M2 Metro to Deák tér, here transfer to the M3 line and go to Kálvin tér.

2. From the Hotel to the University:

2a. Take the Metro M3 to Ferenc körút (1 stop from Kálvin tér) and then take tram 4 or 6 to the
Buda side of Petőfi híd/bridge and then walk South. 

2b. Just walk across
Szabadság bridge and then walk South (it is a bit nicer if you walk across the campus
of the Technical University). It takes less than 1/2 hour from the Hotel to the University building.

3. From the Hotel to the Rényi Institute:
Walk. (It is less than 10 minutes.) 
See the map.

4. From the Hotel to the Fülemüle restaurant:
Walk. (It is less than 15 minutes.)  See the map.