Prezentációk és Poszterek


Convex and Discrete Geometry Workshop, Budapest

Order types meet Ramsey theory, originally planned: .pdf and the sad reality: .pdf

EuroComb, Prague

Monochromatic configurations on a circle .pdf

EuroComb, Prague

Odd-Sunflowers .pdf


IBS ECOPRO Virtual Discrete Math Colloquium, Rényi, Korea-Taiwan-Vietnam Joint Seminar

C-P3O: Orientation of convex sets and other good covers .pdf black board video zoom talk

Third Southwestern German Workshop on Graph Theory, Heidelberg

Edge-ordered Graphs: Geometric Applications .pdf


FU Berlin Combinatorics, Rényi Kombinatorika, MIPT Big, (2022:) ACiDurham, Jagiellonian TCS

At most 3.55^n stable matchings .pdf youtube

EuroComb, Barcelona (online)

Exchange properties of finite set-systems .pdf


Iowa State U Discrete Math Zoominar

Coloring Fat Hypergraphs .pdf youtube

SoCG, online

Radon numbers grow linearly .pdf


EuroComb, Bratislava

Adaptive Majority Problems for Graphs .pdf

9th Slovenian International Conference on Graph Theory, Bled

Polychromatic coloring of geometric hypergraphs .pdf


2nd Russian-Hungarian Combinatorial Workshop, Budapest

Unlabeled Compression Schemes .pdf


SoCG, Brisbane

Proper Coloring of Geometric Hypergraphs .pdf

10th Japanese-Hungarian Symposium, Budapest

Weak embeddings of posets to the Boolean lattice .pdf

Colloquia in Combinatorics, London

Coloring Geometric Hypergraphs .pdf


DGD, Budapest

Abstract approach to polychromatic coloring - ABA-free hypergraphs .pdf


NSFOCS, Novi Sad

Survey on Decomposition of Multiple Coverings .pdf


Summit:240, Budapest

Indecomposable coverings with unit discs .pdf


8th Japanese-Hungarian Symposium, Veszprém

Discrete Voronoi game (with D. Gerbner, V. Mészáros, A. Pokrovskiy and G. Rote) .pdf


Graph Drawing '11, Eindhoven

Drawing cubic graphs with the four basic slopes (with Padmini Mukkamala) .pdf

Katona '70, Budapest

Finding the maximum and minimum elements with lies .pdf


PhD defense, Lausanne

Decomposition of Geometric Set Systems and Graphs .pdf

Coimbra Meeting on 0-1 Matrix Theory and Related Topics, Coimbra

Vectors in a Box (with Kevin Buchin, Jiri Matousek and Robin A. Moser) .pdf


WINE, Rome

2D-TUCKER is PPAD-complete .pdf

6th Japanese-Hungarian Symposium, Budapest

Polychromatic Colorings of Arbitrary Rectengular Partitions (with D. Gerbner, B. Keszegh, N. Lemons, C. Palmer and B. Patkós) .pdf


Graph Drawing, Heraklion

Cubic Graphs Have Bounded Slope Parameter (with Balázs Keszegh, János Pach and Géza Tóth) .pdf

Fete of Combinatorics and Computer Science, Keszthely

Decomposability of polygon coverings (with Géza Tóth) .pdf Warning, it contains false statements!

International Conference on Interdisciplinary Mathematical and Statistical Techniques (IMST 2008 / FIM XVI), Memphis

Finding the biggest and smallest element with one lie (with Dániel Gerbner, Balázs Patkós and Gábor Wiener) .pdf


HSN Spring Workshop, Balatonkenese

Reliable Data Transmitting Without Feedback (with Zoltán Király) .pdf


Graph Drawing, Karlsruhe

Drawing cubic graphs with at most five slopes (with Balázs Keszegh, János Pach and Géza Tóth) .pdf

HSN Spring Workshop, Balatonkenese

Virtual Private Network Design: On the Tree Routing Conjecture (with Zoltán Király) .pdf