BSc Applied Mathematics


Supervisor: Dr.Kovács Sándor

Áron Zarka: Periodic points of contonius functions (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: Zoltán Buczolich, Ph.D.


Dávid Sámuel Balla: Conversation laws (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: Gábor Maros

Berdefi Asztrid: PageRang és alkalmazása biológiai hálózatok elemzésére (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: Grolmusz Vince

Dávid Csányi: Solving Vehicle Routing Problems with column generation (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: Alpár Jüttner

Tamás Glatz: Information Theory and Portfolios (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: Dr. Villő Csiszár

Hilda Abigél Horváth: Flow problems with nonlinear cost function (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: Alpár Jüttner

Károlyi Gellért Andor: Medical imaging with deep neural networks (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: Lukács András

Bendeguz Kosa: Measuring Network Reliability via Game Theory
Supervisor: Dr. Janos Barat, Dr. Tamas Kiraly

Gergely Krausz: Error correction codes (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: Zoltán Halasi

Vendel Peter Kupas: Multivariate optimization problems with univariate technics (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: Istvan Sigray

Áron Madarász: Information Theory and Sports Betting (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: Dr. Villő Csiszár

Attila Mályusz Edmund: Comparison between popular and stable matchings (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: Erika Bérczi-Kovács, Ágnes Cseh

Árpád Benedek Mózes : Testing link functions of generalised age–period–cohort models (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: Tamás Prőhle

Natália Orosz: Some applications of the EM algorithm (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: Villő Csiszár

Erika Patzer: Higher order derivatives (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: Dr. Sándor Kovács PhD

Zsuzsanna Sándor: Spectrum of random graphs (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: Ágnes Backhausz

Johanna K. Siemelink: Fundamental Matrix Fun
Supervisor: Dávid Szeghy

Máté Simon: The 1-2-3 conjecture (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: Péter Madarasi

Sándor László Sisák: The chip-firing game (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: Lilla Tóthmérész

Miklós Stefán: Analysis of the air quality data of Europian citys - with special emphasis on the effects of the COVID pandemic (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: András Zempléni

Milán Szabó: Optimization of the mixing times of Random Walks (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: Balázs Gerencsér

Pál Szeiler: Homomorphic Encryption (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: Péter Burcsi, Péter Sziklai

György József Székely: Percolation on lattices and on random graphs (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: Ágnes Backhausz

Luca Szepessy: An introduction to Kakeya's conjecture (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: Balázs Maga

András Tánczos: Eigenvectors of random matrices (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: Ágnes Backhausz

Júlia Boglárka Tompa: The Implicit Function Theorem (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: Dr. Kovács Sándor

Sára Hanna Tóth: Polynomial-time approximation schemes for matching problems (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: Péter Madarasi

Dóra Kinga Varga: Variations of SAT and their applications (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: Kristóf Takács

Vas Bernadett: Normalizáló réteg nélküli neurális hálók alkalmazása orvosi képklasszifikálásra (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: Lukács András


Dávid Sámuel Balla: Conservation laws (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: Gábor Maros

Dávid Bartalis: The application of submodular functions in NLP tasks (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: Erika Bérczi-Kovács

Ábel Márk Bede: Function Approximation with Neural Networks (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: Ferenc Izsák

Csatári Jakab: Zero-knowledge proofs and their applications (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: Hubai Tamás

Fischer Kornél: Path finding problem of robotarms (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: Szeghy Dávid

Noemi Gyuro: Uncertatainty principles (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: Dr Sandor Kovacs

Gergely Hajdu: Inverse combinatorial optimization problems (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: András Frank

Fanni Horváth : Ideal fluid flow and presentation with Matlab program (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: István Sigray

Gellért Andor Károlyi: Medical image classification with deep neural networks (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: András Lukács

László Keresztes: Support-vector machines and application in connectomics
Supervisor: Dr. Vince Grolmusz

Zsófia Kiss-Fülöp: Bayes Estimation and Bayesian Hypothesis Testing (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: Villő Csiszár PhD

Kiss Nóra: Random permutations (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: Dr. Arató Miklós

Kata Kosztolányi: Polyhedral background of popular matchings (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: Erika Bérczi-Kovács

Zsófia Lovranics: Application of Fourier Transform in digital signal and image processing (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: Zsolt Németh

Erzsébet Csilla Lukács: Bitcoin and blockchain technology (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: Vince Grolmusz

Ágnes Emma Mártonka: Geometric reconstructions with two cameras (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: Dávid Szeghy

Máté Michelisz: Prediction methods and their applications (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: Ágnes Backhausz

István Nagy: Micro Tangent sets (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: Zoltán Buczolich

Miklos Naray: How could tiebreaking work more fairly on the chess olympiad? (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: Tamas Keleti

Tamás Rózsás: Permutation Group Algorithms (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: Zoltán Halasi

Kristóf Szabó: DIscrete Analysis and Generating Functions (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: Tamás Szőnyi

Lili Kata Szakács: Permutation Patterns and Avoiding Sequences (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: Dr. Péter Sziklai, Dr. Péter Burcsi

Evelin Szögi: Graphs in Machine Learning (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: Dr. Vince Grolmusz

András Tánczos: Eigenvectors of random matrices (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: Ágnes Backhausz

Csanád Temesvári: Convergence results of iterative methods in electrostatic partial differential equations (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: János Karátson D.Sc.

Dorka Blanka Várkonyi: Deceptive strategies in Stackelberg games (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: Erika Bérczi-Kovács


Bence Bakos: Disentangled representations in two generative models (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: Adrián Csiszárik

Marcell László Borza: The mathematical basics of Artificial Neural Networks (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: Attila Kiss

Peter Breuer-Lábady: Route Planning for Electric Vehicles
Supervisor: Erika Bérczi-Kovács

András Csirik: Differential Forms and Applications
Supervisor: Dr. Sándor Kovács

Dániel Gergő Domán: Competition problems in primary and secondary school (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: Emil Kiss, Dr.

Ábel Göde: Iteration methods for stationary reaction-diffusion equation (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: János Karátson, Dr

Imre Hatala: Ramsey type questions for bipartite graphs (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: Tamás Héger

Boriska Kincső Illés: Submodular maximization in machine learning (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: Erika Bérczi-Kovács

Ivan Ivkovic: Formal methods of machine learning (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: Andras Lukacs

Attila Jung: Asymptotic modularity of random graph classes (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: Balázs Gerencsér

Flórián Kaczúr: Random walks on random graphs (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: Ágnes Backhausz

Bálint Kazai: Automorphism groups of homogeneous structures (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: Gábor Sági

Szilvia Keszthelyi: Extensions of bipartite matching
Supervisor: Kristóf Bérczi

Dávid Kovács: Mathematical modelling of sports records (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: Dr. András Zempléni

Ágnes Marosvári: The mathematical basics of Wi-Fi encryption (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: István Szabó

Martin Pályi Kiss: Modeling of neuronal networks with differential equations (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: Dr. Csomós Petra

Szabó Bence: Mathematical background of market equilibrium (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: Király Tamás

Emese Szakály: Numerical Computations in Linear Algebra
Supervisor: Alice Fialowski

Csaba Szathmari: Numerical methods for solving partial differentional equations (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: Gabor Fabian

Anikó Tabi: MRD codes (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: Bence Csajbók

Marcell Dávid Tóth: An overview of the Bin-packing problem (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: Krisztián Tichler

András Vályi: From a problem of Darboux to the Fast Fourier Transform (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: Ádám Besenyei

Balázs Vida: Word Vector Representations, Embedding Models and Applications
Supervisor: Dr. András Lukács


Aida Abdul Kader : Shape Recognition On Images (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: Dr.Dávid Szeghy

Edit Bognár: Random graphs and graph limits (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: Ágnes Backhausz

Tamás Czermann: Combinatorial group testing (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: Zsolt Németh

Veronika Dencs: Trajectory planning of autonomous vehicles (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: Tamás Király

Péter Dobrovoczki: The Mazur-Ulam theorem and generalizations (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: Tamás Titkos

Dóra Farkas: Optimization in 3D printing (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: Tamás Király

Dávid Ferenczi: Approximation in Function Spaces
Supervisor: Zsigmond Tarcsay

Boglárka Gál: Vehicle Routing Problem (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: Alpár Jüttner

Hegel Patrik: Dependent frequency and severity of insurance claims (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: Arató Miklós

Márton Kisfaludi: Axiomatic Characterizations of Information Measures (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: Villő Csiszár

András Zoltán Kiss: Robotgeometry (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: Dr. Dávid Péter Szeghy adjunktus

Tibor Kiss: The game SET, and what is behind it (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: Gyula Károlyi

Balázs Csegő Kolok: Nonlinear least squares problem and its application (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: Péter Kovács

Marton Kovacs: Egalitarian graph orientations and applications (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: Andras Frank

Leitereg Miklós: Polinomiális LP algoritmusok (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: Jüttner Alpár

Malinoczki Gergely: Galois-elmélet és alkalmazásai (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: Somlai Gábor

Gergely Nagy: Véges geometriákat használó extremális gráfelméleti konstrukciók (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: Zoltán Lóránt Nagy

Zsófia Pálffy: Robotics - Vision for Control (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: Dávid Szeghy, Dr.

Zoltán Paulovics: Satisfactory graph partition (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: Kristóf Bérczi

-: - (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: -

László Rajta: Finite projective planes based on a card game (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: Mátyás Szabó, Tamás Héger

Ádám Sagmeister: Extremal graph theory - Turán numbers of graphs (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: Zoltán Lóránt Nagy

Zsombor Sárosdi: The Mathematics of Sudoku
Supervisor: István Ágoston

Richárd Simon: Properties of quantum Rényi-divergences and their applications (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: Dr. Milán Mosonyi

Ambrus Tamás: Non-Asymptotic Confidence Regions for the Least Absolute Deviations Estimate
Supervisor: Balázs Csanád Csáji, Ágnes Mariann Backhausz

László Udvardi: Discrete Time Markov Chains and a Few Tools from Linear Algebra
Supervisor: Villő Csiszár

Zoltán Ujszászi: An operator theoretic approach to the Lebesgue decomposition theorem (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: Tamás Titkos

Anita Windisch: Modeling neurons with differential equations (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: Péter L. Simon


Dóra Balog: Packing of T-cuts and T-joins (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: Alpár Jüttner

Bettina Bikki: Mathematical problems connected to geometrical puzzles (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: Balázs Csikós

Boglárka Biskopics: Chapters from combinatorial number theory (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: Róbert Freud

Dóra Boldizsár: Finite fields (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: Alice Fialowski

Dóra Csajkó: Maximum- and minimum principles (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: Ádám Besenyei

Fanni Dandé: Ciphers in cryptography (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: Péter Szikali

Máté Fellner: Complex Dynamics (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: Zoltán Buczolich, Gabriella Keszthelyi

Péter Frank: Geometric constructibility (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: István Ágoston

Gusztáv Gaál: Ramsey-theory and game-theoretic applications (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: János András Wolosz

Dávid Gremsperger: Root-finding of Multi-valued Functions (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: István Sigray

Nikolett Huszárik: Epidemic propagation on hypergraphs (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: Ágnes Bodó

Juhász Balázs: Urnamodellek és alkalmazásaik (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: Móri Tamás

Nóra Kabak: Differencial geometric analysis of the Delaunay surfaces (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: Balázs Csikós

Bence Keresztury: Genetic algorithms and the Traveling Salesman Problem
Supervisor: Tamás Király

András Zoltán Kiss: Robotgeometry (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: Dr. Dávid Péter Szeghy

Ramóna Kovacsics: Challenge-Response Protocol (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: Viktória Ildikó Villányi, Péter Sziklai

Péter Zoltán Leipold: Describing a fluid flow using complex analysis and modelling with Matlab (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: István Sigray

Henrietta Lekli: Matrix inequalities (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: Alice Fialowski

Martin Major: Smart charging of electric vehicles (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: Gergely Mádi-Nagy

Tamás Nagy: Robotic Manipulators and Geometry (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: Dávid Péter Szeghy

Orsolya Pálfi: The Laplacian matrix and its application for counting spanning trees (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: Zoltán Halasi

Dávid Sallai: An introduction to special relativity (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: Dávid Péter Szeghy

Roland Somogyi: Stable matchings and the student-project allocations (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: Zsuzsanna Jankó

Flóra Orsolya Szemenyei: Operator semigroups and their applications (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: Petra Csomós

Péter Szilárd: Metric dimension of distance-regular graphs and finite projective planes
Supervisor: Tamás Héger

Bence Szittya: Applications of Linear Algebra in Graph theory (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: Zoltán Halasi

Tímea Tamási: Wind Energy Producers - A Model with Cooperative Games
Supervisor: Tamás Király

Zsófia Toma: Strongly regular graphs (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: Péter Csikvári

Tamás Tossenberger: Algorithms in quantum information theory (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: dr. Milán Mosonyi

Balázs Ulveczki: Moving of robotic arms between obstacles (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: Dávid Szeghy

Péter Vida: Sidon-sequences (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: Katalin Gyarmati

Fausztin Asztrik Virág: Machine Learning and its applications in board games (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: András Lukács


Ádám Antal: Voting games (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: Zsuzsanna Jankó

Edina Antal: Mixing Time of Finite Markov Chains and Examples (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: Ágnes Backhausz

Tamás Balázsi: Practical application of interpolation methods (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: Péter Kovács

Eszter Baranyi : Branching processes and epidemics (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: Miklós Arató

Károly Tamás Baranyi: Operator equations, bilinear forms with applications to partial differential equations (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: Dr. János Karátson

Bianka Biró: An application of copulas to non-life insurance (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: András Zempléni

Bálint Csanády: Solving a building problem in Minecraft (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: Tamás Király

Cserháti Enikő: Rita mátrixok (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: Ágoston István

Domonkos Czifra: Integer Programming in public transport (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: Alpár Jüttner

Fodor Péter: Forecasting mortality tables (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: Zempléni András

Richard Gyarmati: Number theoretical exercises for special lessons (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: Dr. Mihaly Szalay

Gyóni Orsolya: Alternating paths and separated matchings (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: Bérczi Kristóf

Valentina Halasi: Polynomial Linear Programming Methods (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: Alpár Jüttner

Bálint Horváth: Járványterjedés modellezése statikus és adaptív gráfokon (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: Noémi Nagy

Luca Horváth: Benford's law and applications (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: Zoltán Buczolich, Gabriella Keszthelyi

Klaudia Hosszú: Models for insurance loss numbers (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: Miklós Arató

Ágnes Kis: Latin squares and applications (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: Tamás Szőnyi

Dániel Kovács: Analysis of secondary school competition problems with university-level resources (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: Emil Kiss, Dr.

Norbert Labancz: Error Control Coding (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: Péter Hermann

József Lázár: A reaction-diffusion equation numerical approximation (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: János Karátson

Adrienn Madarasi : Some problems in combinatorial number theory (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: Katalin Gyarmati

Péter Madarasi: Algorithms for Matching Biological Graphs
Supervisor: Alpár Jüttner

Alexandra Maros: Perron-Frobenius theory and its applications (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: Dávid Kunszenti-Kovács

András Mona: Construction of Optimal Communicational Private Networks (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: András Frank

István Nagy: Micro Tangent sets (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: Zoltán Buczolich

Tünde Nász: Global stability in biological systems (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: Dr. Sándor Kovács

Dániel Rácz: The Erdős-Faber-Lovász conjecture on special graph systems (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: Attila Kiss

Attila Réti: The applications of the singular value decomposition in signal and image processing (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: Péter Kovács

Sándor Rokob: Random graphs with duplication (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: Tamás Móri

Máté Rónai: Interval edge-colorings (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: Kristóf Bérczi

Benjámin Martin Seregi: Banach Space Valued Integrals and the Radon-Nikodym Property
Supervisor: Dávid Kunszenti-Kovács

Nikolett Sipos: Applications of Monte Carlo simulation (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: Péter Kovács

Réka Szabó: Eigenvalue problem in numerical analysis (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: Dr. Petra Csomós

Eszter Szalai: Matrix decompositions and their applications (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: Dr. Lajos Gergó

Anikó Török: Periodic solutions of dynamical systems (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: Sándor Kovács


Rita Antónia Aleksziev: Golay codes (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: Tamás Szőnyi

Pál Bärnkopf: Inequalities for permanents of matrices (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: Péter Frenkel

Tamás Balog: Linear spaces - projective planes (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: Tamás Szőnyi

Regina Krisztina Bíró: Constructing Phylogenetic Trees
Supervisor: Kristóf Bérczi

Tamás Bisztray: Geodetikus görbék keresése felületeken (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: Dr. Dávid Szeghy

Emese Viola Bodó: Representations of planar graphs as a tool for information management (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: Zoltán Lóránt Nagy

Bertalan Borsos: Finding extremal elements in liar games
Supervisor: Dömötör Pálvölgyi

Anett Császár: Pointsets in projective spaces (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: Péter Sziklai

Dániel Császár: Mean value theorems (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: Adam Besenyei

Szilvia Császár: Exponential dichotomy (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: Dr. Sándor Kovács

Dorina Dubán: Kidney exchange algorithms (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: Zsuzsanna Jankó

Karen Krisztina Fazekas: Ramanujan (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: Róbert Freud

Attila Péter Gál: Regular and strongly regular graphs (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: Tamás Szőnyi

Győrbíró Tamás: Räume der Funtionalanalysis (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: Dr. Kovács Sándor

Kristóf Havasréti: Application of Fourier Transfrom in Digital Image Processing (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: Árpád Tóth

Balázs Indruck: Pseudorandom sequences and estimates of Legendre sums (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: Katalin Gyarmati, András Sárközy

Réka Natália Ivánkó: Distance of gene sequences in bioinformatics (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: Kristóf Bérczi

Kertész Mónika: Comparison of risk measures (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: Zempléni András

Martin Károly Kiss: Image processing techniques (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: Gabriella Keszthelyi

Lilla Kohut: Applications of linear algebra (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: Péter Hermann

Flóra Kovács: Discrete optimization problems in high school competitions (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: András Frank

Péter Kuti: Logical systems and definability properties in First-order logic - and beyond
Supervisor: Ildikó Sain

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Supervisor: -

Richárd Lengyel: FFT algorithm (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: Ferenc Schipp

Gábor Maros: Characterization of inner product spaces (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: Dr. Sándor Kovács

Eörs Zsolt Mezey: Estimation of chaos in dynamical systems (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: Zoltán Buczolich

Gábor Mikusik: FFT-Algorithms (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: Ferenc Schipp

Adam Nemeth: The applications of factor analysis (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: Tamas Prohle

Nógrádi Ábel: Linear error correcting codes (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: Hermann Péter

Marton Janos Pallagi: Visualizing Consistent Digital Line segments (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: Dömötör Pálvölgyi

Katalin Papp: An Artificial Neural Network: the Support Vector Machine
Supervisor: Gabriella Keszthelyi

Mátyás Bence Rácsai: Statistical evaluation of the performance of players in Major Leauge Baseball (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: László Varga

Nóra Katalin Rácz: Voting mechanisms and their Fourier analysis (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: Erika Bérczi-Kovács

Gábor Rőmer: Quaternions and Cayley numbers (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: Alice Fialowski

Petra Romvári: Generating functions in actuarial mathematics (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: Miklós Arató

Sára Rónai: The Steiner tree problem (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: Csaba Szabó

András Sápi: Edge-decomposition of graphs (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: János Barát

Anna Dorottya Simon: Effective Networked Distributed Storage Systems (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: Erika Bérczi-Kovács

Szabolcs Sinka: Ideal Fluid Flow (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: István Sigray

Bálint Sramó: Mathematical methods for creating and investigating brain MRI images (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: Vince Grolmusz

Olivér Dániel Szabó: Matrix-monotone and matrix-convex functions (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: Péter Frenkel

Kristóf Takács: Approximation problems (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: Vince Grolmusz DSc

Gáspár Vértesy: The Okamoto functions (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: Tamás Keleti


Péter Bősz: Shock-models (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: Tamás Móri

Mónika Csikós: Combinatorial study of matrix completion problems (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: DSc. Tibor Jordán

Dang Thu Huong: Growth estimates of the solutions of linear systems in term of coefficients
Supervisor: Dr. Kovacs Sandor

Tamás Danyluk: Survey route planning for public roads - algorithms for the Asymmetric Travelling Salesman Problem (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: Alpár Jüttner

Deák Attila: K szimbólumból képezett pszeudovéletlen sorozatok (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: Sárközy András, Gyarmati Katalin

Dániel Fehér: Searching of Independent Trees in Networks (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: Erika Renáta Kovács, János Tapolcai PhD

Dóra Ferenczi: Queuing Problems (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: Miklós Arató

Fanni Fónagy: Számelmélet feladatok szakkörre (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: Dr. Mihály Szalay

Nikoletta Gere: Optimal portfolio choice with parameter uncertainty (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: Tamás Prőhle

Noémi Gergely: Numerical method for the solution of the Black-Scholes equation (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: Árpád Tóth

Tamás Gilinger: From dice to finance problems (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: Róber Fullér

Gyóni Dorottya: Sorting Permutations for Studying Genome Mutations (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: Kis-Benedek Ágnes

Dávid Hegedűs: Solving nonlinear systems of equations by numerical methods (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: Lajos Gergó Dr.

Ákos Horváth: Distributed labeling algorithms (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: Erika Renáta Kovács

Roland Horváth: CDO Pricing: One Factor Copula Models and Stochastic Correlation (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: Ágnes Backhausz

Domokos Miklós Kelen: Route planning under uncertainty (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: Jüttner Alpár

Mátyás József Kiss: Railway timetable planning (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: Tamás Kis

Tamas Kotel: Applied mathematics in engineering (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: Arpad Toth

Tibor Laky: A mathematical model of sports betting (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: András Zempléni, László Pálffy

Péter Major: Rouché's theorem and its applications (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: Sándor Kovács Dr.

Ábris Nagy: Diameter of Cayley-graphs and expanders (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: Gábor Somlai

Viktor Nagy: Finite fields (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: Alice Fialowski

László Németh: Limit distributions for extreme values (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: András Zempléni

Márton Neogrády-Kiss: Collatz conjecture (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: Márton Kiss, András Bátkai

Károly Nyitrai: Numerical analysis of initial value problems (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: Gábor Csörgő

Dorka Palotay: To cheat, or not to cheat (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: Csaba Szabó

Sándor Pap: Numerical methods for eigenvalue problems (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: Levente Lócsi

Dorottya Papp: Treewidth of graphs (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: András Lukács

Pál András Papp: Low-Stretch Spanning Trees
Supervisor: Sándor Kisfaludi-Bak, Zoltán Király

Ágnes Radnai: Hackenbush games (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: Tamás Király

Viktoria Samu: The Helmholtz equation (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: Arpad Toth

Emese Gyöngyi Simon: Linear Algebra in Combinatorics (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: Róbert Freud

Crescencia Somogyi: Discrete methods of solving differetial equations (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: Sándor Kovács

Zsolt Szabó: Multi-agent pathfinding algorithms (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: Kristóf Bérczi

Renáta Szűcs: Fixed-point theorems (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: Sándor Kovács

Újvári Zsuzsanna: Kétváltozós integrálok numerikus közelítése a peremre való transzformálással (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: Dr. Gáspár Csaba

Balázs Vass: Online Algorithms in Welfare Maximization (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: Erika Renáta Kovács, Long Tran-Thanh


Ferenc Béres: Solving a polynomial differential equation with iteration (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: István Sigray

Bálint, Bertalan: Structure theorems in algebra (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: István, Ágoston

Péter Bősz: Shock-models (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: Tamás Móri

Dániel Dibuz: Robust solutions for combinatorical optimization problems (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: Alpár Jüttner

Ábel Elekes: A pí szám (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: Alice Fialowski

Balázs Gimes: Elliptic functions and their applications (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: Árpád Tóth

Dániel Góbor: Preprocessing large road networks for faster routing (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: Zoltán Király

Hanics Anikó: Konvekciós-diffúziós egyenletek néhány numerikus megoldási módszere (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: Dr. Gáspár Csaba

Bonifác Herczeg: Antimagic graphs (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: Kristóf Bérczi

Péter Horváth: Classical algebraic inequalities and sums of squares (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: Péter Frenkel

Ádám Tamás Hosszú: Iterative methods for ill-conditioned linear systems (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: Csaba Gáspár

Attila Jakab: Optimal matching in hydrocarbons (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: Erika Renáta Kovács

Mihály Kis: Primality tests and prime factorization (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: Róbert Freud

Gábor Kondor: Szindbád és a részbenrendezett háremhölgyek (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: Villő Csiszár

Ákos Kovács: Algebraic Methods in Combinatorics (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: Péter Csikvári

Enikő Gréta Kránicz: Linear fractional combinatorial optimization problems (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: Alpár Jüttner

Panna Kristóf: Ideal flows on Riemann surfaces (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: István Sigray

Szilvia Lestyán: Fixed Point Theorems (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: János Kristóf, Árpád Tóth

Lilla Anna Lomoschitz: Approximative algorithms for the two-dimensional online bin packing problem with rotation (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: Tamás Király, PhD

Anna Mándli: Convergence of bounded degree graphs (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: Péter Frenkel

Noémi Mázsár: Modelling spread of epidemics on random graphs (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: Ágnes Backhausz

Erika Mercs: Mathematical methods in navigation (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: Kristóf Bérczi

Agnes Nagy: Interpolation of multivariate functions with radial basis functions (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: Prof. Csaba Gáspár

Antal Márton Németh: Delay Differential Equation (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: András Bátkai

Vanda Nyari: Irreducible Polynomials (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: István Ágoston

Rozner Bence Péter: Discrete mathematical models and some of their applications in natural sciences (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: Zempléni András

Dániel Szabó: Random walk on graphs, expanders (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: Vince Grolmusz

Orsolya Szabó-Pinczel: Numerical solution of stiff differential equations (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: Miklós Mincsovics

Péter Szekeres: Analysis of long-term behavior of chaotic systems (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: Tímea Haszpra

László Miklós Tolnai: Localization problems of sensor networks (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: Tibor Jordán

Bence Barnabás Tóth: Bounds for the Network Encoding Complexity from a Graph Theoretic Perspective (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: Erika Renáta Kovács

Lilla Tóth: Rout planning in practice using local search (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: Csaba Szabó

Norbert Vadas: Problems of robotic manipulators (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: Dávid Szeghy


Kristóf Antal Bajcsay: Function approximation with AR-code (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: Lajos László

Balázs Bekényi: The solution of a nonlinear partial differential equation from enzyme kinetics (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: János Karátson

Dénes Besenyői: Applying local Shepard's methods in bivariate scattered data interpolation problems (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: Csaba Gáspár

Zita Flóra Brückler: Integration of linear systems (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: Sándor Kovács

Mihály Csirik: Adaptive finite element methods in two dimensions (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: Tamás Horváth

Csaba Drahos: Permutations and metrics applications in statistics (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: Villo Csiszar

Anikó Fábián: The Black-Scholes partial differential equation (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: Eszter Sikolya

Gergely Tamás Gilányi: Problems of Hidrodinamica (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: István Sigray

Réka Gondos: Differential equations in everyday life (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: Ádám Besenyei

Dávid Gyenes: Cost sharing and the Santa Claus problem (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: Tamás Király

Gábor Hermann: Infinite graph theory (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: Erika Renáta Kovács

Ajna Horváth: Tax morale and tax rate (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: András Simonovits, Tamás Király

Laszlo Karpati: Voting Paradoxes (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: Robert Fullér

Blanka Kiss: Estimating of high quantiles (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: András Zempléni

Bettina Klimaj: Multigrid method for Poisson's equation (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: Csaba Gáspár

Koronka Gábor: Nagy számok faktorizációja a Shor-algoritmussal (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: Gralmusz Vince

József Viktor Kovács: On representation problems of ideals of relational structures (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: Gábor Sági

Éva Kutas: Value-at-Risk (VaR és cVaR) (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: Gergely Mádi-Nagy

Bettina Lovas: Maximum edges of the graphs (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: György Hermann

Luptovics János Sándor: Gazdasági Rendszerek Kvalitatív Vizsgálata (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: Dr. Kovács Sándor

Nagy Gábor: Local properties in random graphs (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: Backhausz Ágnes

Barbara Orbán: Finite element methods and their applications (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: Tamás Horváth

Máté Paholics : Detachments of highly edge-connected graphs (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: Tibor Jordán

Imre Puskás: Interpolation and Weierstrass approximation (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: Tamás Kurics

Fanni Selley: Chaos in Discrete Dynamical Systems (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: Zoltan Buczolich

Süli Balázs Márton: Fractional Calculus (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: Kós Géza

Eszter Szabó: An inverse problem (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: Ferenc Izsák

Mónika Szikszai: Random Walk On Groups (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: Villő Csiszár

Katalin Szűcs: Shrinkage methods in linear regression (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: Villő Csiszár

Dóra Edit Talabér: Combinatorial Algorithms in VLSI Routing (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: András Recski

István Tamaga: Ramsey-type theorems (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: Tamás Szőnyi

Anna Tossenberger: The Constraint Satisfaction Problem
Supervisor: Zoltán Király, Libor Barto

Beáta Tóth: Mathematical models of diffusion (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: Ferenc Izsák

Nikolett Töttösi: Analysis of the lifetime of the married couple (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: Villő Csiszár

Mónika Váradi: The LR- and QR-algorithm for solving eigenvalue problems (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: Csaba Hegedűs

Bálint Varga: Algerbaic Methods in Combinatorics (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: Péter Csikvári

László Varga: Complexity classes based on Parity Argument
Supervisor: László Végh, Tamás Király

Zsolt Varga: Modern prime factorization (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: Katalin Gyarmati

Monika Vigula: The subgraph containment query problem (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: Krisztian Tichler dr., Istvan Fekete dr.


András Bebes: Efficient portfolios under different risk rates (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: Gergely Mádi-Nagy

Ágnes Bertalan: The Mandelbrot set (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: István Sigray

Laura Cizmadija: Fullerene structures (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: Kristóf Bérczi

Tamás Gombár: Relation between climate indices, Sun activity and the weather of Hungary (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: László Márkus

Hammer Gergő: Prime factorization (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: Freud Róbert

Endre Hegedus: Statisztikai Adatvédelem (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: Villo Csiszar

Dániel Hermán: Properties of aging distributions (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: Tamás Móri

Markó Horváth: Polychromatic coloring of plane graphs (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: Kristóf Bérczi

Attila Joó: The Riemann rearrangement theorem and its generalization to higher dimensions (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: Ádám Besenyei

Mónika Józsa: The convergence of sequences of means with applications (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: Ádám Besenyei

Endre Kántor: Asymptotic analysis (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: Árpád Tóth

Csilla Karaffa: Two-dimensional rectangle packing (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: Tamás Király

Péter Kerényi: Root-finding iterations (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: István Sigray

Tamás Gábor Kézér: Universal hashing (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: István Fekete

Éva Láng: Amoeba type games (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: Tamás Szőnyi

Zoltán Milotai : Symmetrical random walks (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: Vilmos Prokaj

Emerencia Éva Szabó: Approximation of functions of two variables (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: Árpád Tóth

Márta Szuromi: Applications of conform mappings (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: Árpád Tóth

Brigitta Varga: Stable Marriage: Implementing and testing approximation algorithms (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: Zoltán Király

Roxána Varga: Animal coat pattern formation (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: András Bátkai

Bálint Márk Vásárhelyi: Mathematical methods in DNA sequence analysis
Supervisor: Kristóf Bérczi

János Zsoldos: Special Dynamical Systems: Cellular automata (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: Péter L. Simon


Ákos Tuzson Árendás: Pénzügyi folyamatok stabilitásvizsgálata (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: Tamás Pröhle

Peter Arendas: Sum of squares and its applications (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: Csaba Szabo

Viktória Csépány: Local bifurcations (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: Sándor Kovács

Boglárka Egyed: Balancing methods for binary search trees (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: István Fekete

Ákos Englert: Representations of planar graphs (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: Kristóf Bérczi

Tamás Fegyverneki: Maximal correlation (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: Tamás F. Móri

Márta Fekete: Reconstruction of polyhedra from line drawings (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: Tibor Jordán

Adrienn Gurszky: Network flows and related problems (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: Katalin Vesztergombi

Péter Györgyi: Models of Network Optimization (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: András Frank

Réka Hábel: Heuristics of the Traveling Salesman Problem (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: Katalin Vesztergombi

Anikó Hannák: Crossing numbers and related problems of unit distances in the plane (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: Katalin Vesztergombi

Norbert Horvath: Integration of Multivariable Functions on Cells and Simplices (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: Peter L. Simon

Ágnes Kis-Benedek: Dynamic programming in graph theory (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: András Frank

Attila Kiss: Combinatorial problems in the 3-dimensional detailed routing in VLSI design (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: András Recski

Orsolya Kocsis: Renewal Processes (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: Tamás Móri

Timea Lettner: The development of the integral theory since Riemann (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: Lajos Lóczi

Mária Mészáros: Mathematics in MP3 (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: Csaba Szabó

Viktória Molnár: Numerical methods for ordinary differential equations (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: Tamás Kurics

Katalin Pajkossy: Graphic Submodular Function Minimalization (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: Kristóf Bérczi

Andrea Bernadett Pósfay: Applications of linear algebra (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: Csaba Szabó

János Gábor Sávoly: Normalforms of Matrices (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: István Ágoston

András Stark: Nonlinear iterations and bifurcations (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: Lajos Lóczi

Dávid Szabó: Games and computers (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: Tamás Szőnyi

Kristóf Szarvas: Numerical integration and complex Gauss-quadrature of the oscillatory integrands (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: Lajos Gergó

Béla Szekeres: Asymptotic analysis: The Euler-Maclaurin formula and its applications (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: Árpád Tóth

András Tóth: Complex numbers (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: Alice Fialowski

Szilvia Ágnes Tóth: Quaternions (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: István Ágoston

Zsófia Vándor: Dynamic flows (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: László Végh

Dorottya Vígh: Applications of finite fields (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: Péter Sziklai

Gergely Vincze: Examination of the rate of convergence of the central limit theorem by simulation (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: András Zempléni

Dániel Zentai: Secret sharing and multiparty computation (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: László Csirmaz


Gábor Csörgő: Különböző végeselem módszerek összehasonlítása (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: Péter Simon

Balázs Kovács: Funkcionálok szélsőértékeinek vizsgálata és alkalmazásai (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: János Karátson

Dávid Retek: Jordan curve theorem (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: István Sigray

László Szepesváry: Elágazó folyamatok (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: Tamás Móri

Katalin Viktória Tolnai: The Dynamics of Infectious Diseases (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: András Bátkai